Campus History

Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta (UAJY) is a private university founded by the laity and managed by Slamet Rijadi Foundation – Yogyakarta, under the patronage of Saint Albertus Magnus. UAJY was established on September 27, 1965, aiming to participate in educating nation through education with a local dimension and global orientation.

Since August 31, 1973, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in Yogyakarta has separated from the Atmajaya Catholic University of Indonesia in Jakarta and been established as the UNIVERSITAS ATMA JAYA YOGYAKARTA.

The name of “Atma Jaya” is taken from Sanskrit. Atma means soul, Jaya means superior. Thus, Atma Jaya means a superior soul. UAJY’s aspiration from the beginning is to provide higher education with excellence in academics and education with high moral values.

To become the community of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta who is excellent, inclusive, humanist, has integrity, and be able to contribute for a better quality of life through Serviens in Lumine Veritatis (serving in the light of truth).

Contribute to the advancement in science, technology, and professional skills that are beneficial to human dignity through excellent works in the fields of education, research, and community service with the spirit of Serviens in Lumine Veritatis (serving in the light of truth).